Home Forums Pharmacy Discussions Not promoted to grade pay 4200, even after working for four years as pharmacist in AYUSH ccras

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    Hi i comleted 4 yrs as a pharmacist in Ministry of ayush ccras but my grade pay is 2800 only when i will get 4200 grade pay please tell me


    I am working in Bangalore


    Please use full and explanatory title for topic, not just two words. it has been corrected.

    If you are not working on contract basis, then file a application to your director and ministry. In my view If you are on permanent post, you are entitled to 4200 grade pay already. Ask for compensation for past loss also.

    You and other AYUSH ccras permanent pharmacists should unite and file your grievance with this proof http://finmin.nic.in/6cpc/Rev_Pay_stru_Pharma_Fast_track_Comm.pdf

    Be active for your salary increase and you will get it, because 4200 grade pay is now standard for all pharmacist under central government departments.

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