B. Suresh Re-Elected as PCI President For Fourth Term in 2018 Elections

PCI has Elected Dr. B. Suresh as it’s President for the fourth  consecutive term. 44 members Of State Pharmacy Councils voted in his favor while 16 members voted for the opposition candidate. Mr. B. Suresh was first elected in 2003 for the same post. Pharmacy Council Of India is the apex body to regulate pharmacy professional education in the country. Elections were also held for vacant posts in PCI sub committees.

Pharmagang team congratulate Dr. B. Suresh for the re-election. However, this year PCI president election faced some controversy. Dr. B Suresh hold post of PCI president since last three terms or 15 years.  
From very beginning this year too he was the favourite to win the post again. It was supposed that he will be elected unopposed .  But a separate group mobilised support for the pro chancellor of Maharashtra University, however he failed to come close in the elections.
Many pharmacists believe that PCI has failed to stand for the pharmacist interests. It stands with private institutes which breeds corruption and vested interests.
Some objections were raised by a part of pharmacist community like multiple terms for president and nominated members breeds factionalism and lethargic attitude. Demands are also being raised for changed procedure of elections in pharmacy councils.
Stopping the D.Pharm course, strict regulation, proper enforcement of  drug and cosmetics act and pharmacy act 2015  to ensure that only qualified pharmacits could practice are major concerns of the pharmacist community that are neglected by PCI for long. 

2 thoughts on “B. Suresh Re-Elected as PCI President For Fourth Term in 2018 Elections”

  1. It’s great. I congratulate the executive council of the PCI for re-election of Dr Suresh as president . He is the architect of modern Pharmacy in India especially academic side and the profession is in lime light internationally. But the practice of pharmacy profession is not healthy in India and we expect some great changes under his leader ship.

  2. pharma D and b pharma pharmacy practise started to benefit colleges. because no benefit to students. many courses creating confusion no scope. pharmacist need single course, pay and respect in india not other country. give respect and pay to working pharmacists. stop d.pharma and paid d.pharm and non attending trend.

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