CGHS Delhi Pharmacist and ECG Technician Recruitment, August 2018


Applications are invited  for recruitment to pharmacist and ECG Technician Jobs under CGHS, Delhi.
The vacancy details, instructions and eligibility criteria is given below:

Pharmacist Entry Grade (Allopathic)

Pay Scale  – Rs. 5200-20200 + GP  Rs. 2800/-
Vacancies  –


Eligibility Criteria:
i) 12th Class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognised Board or University;
ii)Diploma in Pharmacy from recognised institution and registered as Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948 and;

  • Two years’ experience as Pharmacist in any recognised Hospital or Pharmacy after duly registered as Pharmacist under Pharmacy Act, 1948


  1. Bachelor degree in Pharmacy (B.Pharma) from a recognised University and
  2. Registered as a Pharmacist under the Pharmacy Act, 1948.


Pharmacist Entry Grade (Homeopathic) 

Pay Scale – Rs. 5200-20200 + GP Rs. 2800/-
Vacancies –


Eligibility Criteria:
(i) 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognised Board or University and;

  • Diploma or Certificate Course in Homeopathic Pharmacy of at least one year duration from a recognised institution

Pharmacist Entry Grade (Ayurvedic) 

Pay Scale  – Rs. 5200-20200 + GP  Rs. 2800/-
Vacancies  –


Eligibility Criteria:
(i) 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) or equivalent from a recognised Board or University and;

  • Degree in Ayurvedic Pharmacy or Diploma in Ayurvedic Pharmacy course, duration of which should not be less than two years from any Government Organisation or recognised private institute or by any University and registered with respective State Government Ayurvedic Regulatory Boards or Councils; and 
  • Two years experience in the field of Ayurvedic Pharmacist from any recognised Ayurvedic Dispensary or Hospital or Pharmacy or Wellness Centre.

Pharmacist (Unani)

Pay Scale – Rs. 5200-20200+Rs. 2800/-


Eligibility Criteria:

  • 12th class pass with Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) from a recognised board or university;
  • Diploma in Unani Pharmacy from recognised University or Institute
  • Two years’ experience as Unani Pharmacist in recognised Unani Hospital or Pharmacy ;
  • Degree in Unani pharmacy from a recognized University or Institute.

*Candidates who have applied for the post of Pharmacist (Unani) earlier vide advertisement no. 49/84 dated 3-9th March, 2018 published in the Employment News need not apply again. 
فبرمبسسٹ )یونبنی(

تنخواہ کب پیمبنہ  -روپے+20200-5200 روپے 2000
یو آرایس سیایس ٹیاو بی سیکل

تعلیمی کابلیت
I()i. سبئنس کے سبتھ 12 ویں کالس پبس )طبیعیبت, کیمسٹری, اور حیبتیبت( تسلیم شذہ بورڈ یب یونیورسٹی سے
فبرمیسی میں ڈپلومبکسی بھی تسلیم شذہنیورسٹی یب انسٹی ٹیوٹ سے
)III( تسلیم شذہ یونبنی ہسپتبل یب فبرمیسی میں یونبنی فبرمبسسٹ کے طور پر دو                     سبل کب تجربہ
.ii تسلیم شذہ یونیورسٹی یب انسٹی ٹیوٹ سے یونبنی فبرمیسی میں ڈگری
*امیذوار جنہوں نے فبرمبسسٹ کی پوسٹ کے لئے پہلے روزگبر کی خبروں میں شبئع کردہ اشتہبر نمبر. 04/44 تبریخ 4-3 مبرچ 2010کو درخواست کی ہے دوببرہ درخواست کی ضرورت نہیں ہے.

ECG Technician (Junior)

Pay Scale  – Rs. 5200-20200 + GP  Rs. 2800/-
Vacancies  –


Eligibility Criteria:
(i) 12th  Class pass with Science Subjects or equivalent from a recognised Board or University; (ii) Diploma in E.C.G. technician course from a recognised institute; and
(iii) One years experience in handling of E.C .G. Machine in any recognised Hospital.

  1. Age as applicable to all categories of posts – 18-25 years (Relaxable for Government servants upto the age of 40 years in case of general candidates and upto 45 years in the case of candidates belonging to SC/ST in accordance with the instructions or orders issued by the Central Government from time to time)

The upper age limit prescribed will be relaxable as given below:

  • Upto a maximum of 5 years if a candidate belongs to SC/ST (for reserved posts only)
  • Upto a maximum of 3 years if a candidate belongs to OBC category (for reserved posts only)
  • Relaxation in Upper age limit is admissible to Persons with Disabilities as detailed below, subject to Production of certificate from the Govt. Hospital/Medical Board consisting of at least one specialist in the particular field, in support of their claim of disability, at the time of document verification:
CategoryRelaxation in Upper Age
Limit (in years)*Percentage of Disability
UR10 years
SC15 years
ST15 yearsNot less than 40%
OBC13 years
Persons with disabilities10 years
Ex – ServicemenMaximum  Age criteria of Unreserved candidate + number of years of service in defence+3yr (e.g. If service is 10yr- age relaxation allowed is 13yr in addition  to  Maximum  age  criteria  of  Regular candidate)

* Applicable only for posts reserved for PWD
2.Date on which applicable age to be calculated – Application Closing Date

  1. Probation Period – 02 (two) years (As per the instructions /orders of Government of India for the said post).
  1. Application Start Date – 28 July 2018
  1. [box_highlight background=”#fcf09a”]Application Closing Date – 27 August 2018[/box_highlight]
  1. The selection will be made on the basis of merit of COMPUTER BASED examination.
  1. The offer of appointment will be given to the candidates as per the merit list after the verification of original documents and having found it in order.
  1. Applicant already in service should submit NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from present employer at the time of document verification.
  2.  Fees of Rs. 500/- (Rs. Five Hundred Only) is applicable to male candidates belonging to Un-reserved and OBC Category only. Candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD and Women categories are exempted from submitting the fees.
  3.  No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in examination.
[box_highlight background=”#fcf09a”]How to apply: [/box_highlight] Apply Here For CGHS Pharmacist and ECG Technician Post

41 thoughts on “CGHS Delhi Pharmacist and ECG Technician Recruitment, August 2018”

      1. Sir, syllabus given by Delhi CGHS is different from the syllabus given by you. Syllabus is given on that site only on which site we fill the application form. According to that syllabus GK-10, Aptitude nd Reasoning-15, English-15,Hindi-10,nd Domain-50 marks.. Please check and confirm the syllabus sir.And if u know the exact date of exam , please let me know.

      2. we provided syllabus much earlier than provided on site. Syllabus is still similar to the new pattern in our post. Due to the criticism that domain subject is asked for less marks CGHS delhi altered the marks distribution very recently. So only marks distribution is different. Like Pharmacy will now be asked for 50 marks and not 40.
        Thankyou for pointing out, we will update that.
        Exam is going to held most probably in october, cghs is known for efficient process of recruitment.
        (Pharmagang is a community and best output is possible if peoples shares and contributes the information and resources. Keep supporting.)

  1. In reserved category, I am not able to apply. It is saying your age does not match the age criteria (Pharmacist Allopathy).
    P{lease Help

    1. In reserve category You can apply if you are obc or sc/st of delhi . Please tell what is your age and category. Do you have delhi category certificate ?

  2. sir i have completed diploam pharmacy as well as but not have any experience..will they accept.
    another question is whethere only written exam or both writen and interview will they take.

    1. experience is required, if you worked in medical store that will be sufficient, get that certificate.
      Only written exam will be held for pharmacist post, no interview.

  3. OBC category reservation is for Delhi citizen or other state obc candidate can also apply in cghs delhi.
    ( edited and translated to english)

    1. For cghs unani pharmacist
      1.MATRICULATION with proficiency in urdu or persian
      2.Diploma in unani pharmacy from recognised institute
      with 1 year experience in unani dispensary or hospital
      or without diploma, 3 years experience in unani hospital or dispensary as pharmacist.

  4. Sir in which month cghs delhi pharmacist exam will be condcted please tell me sir probably date
    And st category candites how many marks to get job

  5. Mujhe ye pta karna hai ki mene cghs pharmacist k liye apply kiya tha usme mene cast category h wo to thik fill kar di thi but uske baad Non-Creamy Layer wale option me “Yes” select karna tha lekin mujh se  “No” select ho gya tha galti se
    Jabki mera jo obc ka certificate h us k according m Non-Creamy Layer se belong karta hu to aap mujhe ye bta sakte ho ki agar mera exam clear ho jata hai to uske baad document verification me us se koi issue to ni banega?

  6. Sir. Pharmacognosy. Ceutics and juris. Are not mentioned in cghs pharmacist syllabus. Is it poasilble that questions come from them in exam or not
    Also give some links about dsbm. Hosp. And clinical ph. And health edu. And community ph.
    As i have not any book. Or give some books names. Please.

    1. we have replied you on other post. first comment is required to be approved by us so you did not see your comments. Now if you comment with same email id your future comments will appear instantly.

      1. Thank u very much for ur kind reply.
        Please also provide so solution to my second quesry regarding study material or books for the above mentioned subjects.

  7. Sir I filled the application form with my old registration number.
    Now I have the renewed one.
    Will dis create any problem for me or I can show my new drug licence during document verification process.

  8. sir my name is kuldeep sharma
    b.pharma student
    sir mane bhi cghs form fill kr rkha h
    sir muje ye btayiye ki es me
    or jurics syllabus me nhi ye bhi paper me aayene ya nhi
    or sir es me negative marking h ya nhi
    sir please tell me

    1. we confirmed, as per recent trends and in current cghs delhi exam there is no negative marking. we will inform if there is any change.

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