CGHS Hyderabad Pharmacist Result Merit Lists 2018

CGHS Hyderabad Pharmacist exam was conducted on 26 -27 june 2018. The exam was conducted for pharmacist Allopathy, Pharmacist Unani, Homepathic Pharmacist cum Clerk and Pharmacist Ayurveda.
The merit results lists are out for all candidates and final selection list are also out. Download CGHS Pharmacist result from below.

CGHS Hyderbad Pharmacist Merit Lists

Merit list contain name and marks of all candidates rankwise. Ranks are as per marks.
CGHS Hyderabad Pharmacist Allopathy Merit List 2018
Download Merit List allopathy Pharmacist
CGHS Hyderabad  Pharmacist Cum Clerk Homeopathy Merit List 2018
Download Merit List Pharmacist homeopathy
CGHS Hyderabad  Pharmacist Unani Merit List 2018
Download Unani Pharmacist merit list
CGHS Hyderabad  Pharmacist Ayurveda Merit List 2018
Download Merit List ayurveda Pharmacist

Final Result For all CGHS Hyderabad Pharmacist Posts:

The below link contain name of selected candidates for the posts of allopathy pharmacist, Ayurveda pharmacist,  Unani pharmacist, and Homeopathic pharmacist cum clerk.
Download Final Selection Candiates list/: Result for all CGHS HYderabad Pharmacist posts


The candidates will be selected as per their rank in the merit list.
NOTE: Mere securing of minimum qualifying marks does not confer any right to the candidate for being considered to the selection.
Any candidate shall produce Original documents, as and when called for by the CGHS, Hyderabad for certificate verification. If any candidate fails to produce the certificates and/or the particulars furnished in the Application do not tally with the Original documents produced by the candidate, his/her candidature will be rejected and he/she would be disqualified without any further correspondence. As candidature for the recruitment is processed through Computer/Electronic devices based on the particulars furnished in the Application Form, the candidate is advised to fill in all the relevant particulars carefully.
The appointment of selected candidates will be subject to their being found medically fit in the appropriate medical classification, and if he/she is of sound health, active habits free from any bodily defect or infirmity.
If you want to prepare for future CGHS Pharmacist or other pharmacists exams. Please read Best Books For Pharmacist Job Exam
To know the salary of pharmacist in cghs please follow the link below:
CGHS Pharmacist Salary

3 thoughts on “CGHS Hyderabad Pharmacist Result Merit Lists 2018”

  1. Hello sir/madam,
    CGHS Hyderabad 2018 Merit list of candidates released
    May I know the interview date or certificate verification?
    Thanks &Regards,

    1. you are asking very late. document verification is done, contact administrative officer to know if they will conduct another round.

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