GPAT Syllabus is very vast. GPAT 2020 exam will be held on 24 January 2020. We are giving latest syllabus and GPAT pattern for 2020.
GPAT 2020 Pattern
- The medium of Question Paper shall be in English only.
- GPAT is an online computer-based test of 3 hours duration with 125 objective type questions.
- There are 4 marks for a correct answer. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers, for each wrong answer 1 mark shall be deducted.
- At the test Centre, each candidate will be seated at a desk with a computer terminal and he/she will be provided with rough papers for calculations and a PEN/PENCIL. After the test, candidate must leave the rough papers at the desk.
GPAT Syllabus
GPAT 2020 syllabus is not yet officially released but it expected to be same as GPAT 2019.
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if you want to download GPAT syllabus, Detailed official GPAT syllabus pdf can be downloaded directly and saved as PDF
Download GPAT Syllabus as PDF:
Link : GPAT 2019 Syllabus PDF
Alternate Link : GPAT 2019 syllabus Download
So various subjects in GPAT Syllabus are following
- Physical Chemistry
- Physical Pharmacy
- Organic Chemistry
- Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry
- Pharmaceutics
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacognosis
- Pharmacetucial Analysis
- Biochemistry
- Biotechnology
- Microbiology
- Pathophysilogy
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics
- Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics
- Human Anatomy and Physiology
- Pharmaceutical Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Management
- Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
- Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy
Please visit GPAT 2019, Application, Dates, Syllabus, Books, GPAT previous Papers Etc