Punjab Haryana high Court has ordered state government of haryana to implement pharmacist cadre in state. This order was issued on 15 February 2018.
High court has given six months to implement pharmacist cadre in the state. More than 850 pharmacists working in the Haryana state will benefit from this.
Update: ESI healthcare Haryana has prepared a blueprint for the implementation. pharmacist will be appointed on starting pay scale of 4200. View the blueprint below.
[embeddoc url=”https://pharmagang.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/haryana-cadre-bluerprint.pdf” height=”33%” download=”all” viewer=”google”]
Court had held that cadre should be structured on the basis of decision of central administrative tribunal decision, and the cadre in neighboring states.
Currently pharmacist are appointed as pharmacist and retire as pharmacist in many states. Once cadre implemented they will be able to reach upto the post of director, which is monopoly of only doctors currently.
Once implemented pharmacists will be able to get promoted to posts of assistant chief pharmacist, chief pharmacist, assistant pharmacy officer, pharmacy officer deputy director and director of pharmacy.
Even neighboring state Delhi has no pharmacist cadre. whereas UP and Uttarakhand have cadre.
Punjab Haryana High Court Pharmacist Cadre Order Copy
If you need high court order relating to Haryana pharmacist cadre. we are providing the court order PDF.
Download Haryana pharmacist cadre court order
This order will benefit pharmacists working in Haryana state health department and ESI hospitals. This also provides a boost to effort for cadre demands in other states.
About re employment of retired pharmacist from haryana govt
We are suffering from unemployment of Pharmacist in the state of M.P. However about 12000 posts are vacant at govt.depott.but only not granting promotional opportunities also not recruiting for vacancies.We struggling from last 30 years.I think filliling writ pention is the last option for us.pharmacists of Hariyana are actually lucky because they win in case.