CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Result Is Out, Merit List, Expected Cutoff, 2019

This post contain all information about CGHS Delhi pharmacist  result merit list. CGHS Delhi conducted exam on 26th December 2018 for the post of pharmacist.  Results are announced in april 2019.

[box_highlight background=”#ffff99″]Update: CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Results are announced, view and download the results  from below.[/box_highlight]

Download CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Exam Result

Below are the Result merit lists for cghs Delhi allopathy pharmacist exam, homeopathic pharmacist exam, unani pharmacist exam held on 26 december 2018.

 CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Allopathic Result – Download PDF 

[embeddoc url=”” height=”20%” download=”none” viewer=”google”] CGHS Delhi Allopathy Pharmacist result 2019 PDF download Here

CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Homeopathic Result – Download PDF

[embeddoc url=”” height=”15%” download=”none” viewer=”google”] CGHS Delhi Homeopathy Pharmacist result 2019 PDF Download Here

CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Unani Result – Download PDF

[embeddoc url=”” height=”10%” download=”none” viewer=”google”] CGHS Delhi Unani Pharmacist result 2019 PDF Download Here

CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Ayurvedic Result – Download PDF :

Will be uploaded when available
Previously we discussed the expected result date,  expected cutoff for the CGHS Delhi pharmacist exam.  When CGHS pharmacist result are out we will give the complete merit list in this post.  so it will be easy for you to download any time. 

Expected Cutoff For CGHS Delhi Pharmacist 2018 Exam


[box_highlight background=”#ffff99″]Update: Cutoffs predicted by pharmagang soon after the exam again proved to be correct. [/box_highlight]

We discussed the standard of paper with  some appeared candidates. we calculated the CGHS pharmacist  Allopathy cut off as per feedback of the candidates, number of seats available,  and previous trends of CGHS Delhi results.
The expected cutoff for general category candidates  could be around 76 +- 3 marks out of hundred. The cutoff of OBC will not be much different, it will be also close to 74 +-3 marks.
CGHS Delhi pharmacist Allopathic Cutoff for other categories such as SC and ST will be around 70 marks + -3 marks .
Cutoff for Ayurvedic Homeopathy and Unani Pharmacist: We could not find enough candidates to do much research  but still as per experience we can predict cutoff for these therapy pharmacist too. The the seats available in these therapies were few,  but candidates was also fews and competition is relatively low. if exam was of average standard the cutoff will be Around 65 +-3 marks for general category, and 63 +-3 for OBC, around 60 +-3 fr sc and st.

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For ESIC 2018- 2019 Pharmacist Vacancy Click Here
ESIC Allopathic Pharmacist Exam Syllabus And Pattern

405 thoughts on “CGHS Delhi Pharmacist Result Is Out, Merit List, Expected Cutoff, 2019”

  1. Yes sir.its true..In obc category few candidates scoring 71 marks are called for dv( on the baaisi of age) as I have observed.
    sir please let us know if there is any waiting list to come afterwards or not if u get any information,kindly reply us.
    I scored 71 in obc but not received any mail bcz of age difference.

    1. Yes. People with top scores have been invited. Your tank is too far to be invited for verification. Focus on future exams.

      1. Sir i got 71 marks in open cetgry but not receive any mail for d v. Are u sure that dv process take place????

      2. yes it took place. some candidates who applied for obc but have good marks always get selected in open category, not obc.
        To be sure about mail we advice all candidates to type cghs in google email search box and search all inbox.
        We will try to find if there will be any more round.

  2. I got 62 marks in physically Handicapped (OH) category how much chance for selection sir ????
    And any update regarding DV???

    1. There are chance if someone from selected PH candidate left their seat. They can call you after he/she left his/her seat. But you should be in waiting list (higher position).

    1. Please… Let me know that Sir… What is the process of documents verification?… Can you tell me about to general category?

  3. Sir…. Let me know know about…. For documents verification process? …. What is process for general category.? .. Please tell it….

  4. Sir, this is not fair that without finalised results, document verification has been done. Will be there any further rounds sir. Pls clarify sir

    1. for know further rounds we need to file rti or wait for offical website publication. can i know your rank in selection list ?

    2. also they have released the result. it is official. only problem is that it not well sorted. And candidates named are not announced on website for verification.

      1. I know sir, I don’t have chances but still I was eager in knowing my status. I got 68 Marks and 175 rank.

  5. Sir, can I know upto which serial no doc verification has been completed. Any chance for call at serial no 110 marks 71 general category??

  6. Hi,
    Very less chance. There are chance if someone from selected Gen candidate left their seat. They can call you after he/she left his/her seat. But you should be in waiting list (higher position).

  7. Hi,
    Where we are approach for CGHS Management for unfair the result, and without any kind of information , they are just call some of the candidate for Document verification. what is the criteria for selection for open category. Serial number- 180 and rank 175, Marks as per list id -68.

    1. Hello Neetu
      Any government organization only calls those candidates for selection who are in merit list. For example, if there are 3 seats and if they have published result of 100 candidates. That means they will call for selection/document submission only 3 candidates in merit list. Many government organization do’not publish the selected list/DV on their website. They send the offer letters to the selected candidates.
      Coming to CGHS recruitment, if you can see there are 49 general seats, that means they might have called only 49 candidates in the merit list. It is roughly till serial number 110. Your rank is lower in the merit list that is why you were not called for DV. This process is similar to college admissions, a first-come, first-served basis. Rejected candidates are not informed separately.
      They may publish or many not publish the final selected list on their website. They may also send the offer letter directly to selected candidates without publishing the result on their website. This is because government organization don’t have much time to publish the final selected results. Also, It vary from organization to organization .
      If you really want to know the list of selected candidates, you can file RTI after one month from today.

  8. And if anyone is really interested to know actual scenario of the DV, u can call any top 10 candidates, the phone no. Are there and ask your queries as any seats are left in any category, but to be very precise in cghs pune or cghs hyderabad this protocol was not followed, they clearly published the merit and waiting list for DV..

  9. Will be there any further round in cghs pharmacist dv? Sir there is no update in cghs official site regarding dv plz, provide information about that.

  10. Sir cghs homopeoathic pharmacist k documents verification kb hona h ??? Sir kuch log bol the h k joining ho gyi ???
    Gen rank24h koi chance h kya selection k ?

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