Best Books And Guides For Pharmacy GPAT Exam

Success in GPAT exam like other competitive exam also depend on choices you make.  Selecting your Reference Books is important. For GPAT there are many guides and books available.

You should not get diverted. If you read standard books thoroughly, and practice with the previous GPAT, Pharmacy GATE and other paramedical papers available on Pharmagang you can qualify this exam. Focus is the key.

We have included only those books in this list which you must not skip. You can refer other books for some topics which you find good elsewhere.

These books can answer 85-90 percent of questions asked in GPAT test. These are standard books and read them first along-with previous papers, then focus on GPAT Guides and Notes.

Best Guide for Pharmacist Exam

You should buy two GPAT guides.  They will help a lot.

First guide should be latest edition GPAT cracker by Piyush. It has good notes.

As second guide GPAT companion by inamdar is good choice. It provides subject wise solved papers with good explanation for solutions.

GPAT Cracker by Piyush See Price on Amazon Here.

GPAT Companion by Inamdar See Price on Amazon Here.


GPAT Subject: Introduction to Physical pharmacy
Book: Textbook Of Physical Pharmacy by CVS Subrahmanyam

GPAT Subject: Importance of microbiology in pharmacy
Book: Pharmaceutical Microbiology by N.K. Jain

GPAT Subject: Introduction to pharmaceutical jurisprudence & ethics
Book: A Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy By B M Mithal

GPAT Subject: Introduction to dispensing and community pharmacy
Book: Dispensing For Pharmaceutical Students By Coopers & Gunn’s

GPAT Subject: Importance of unit operations in manufacturing, Stoichiometry

Book: Pharmaceutical Engineering- CVS Subrahmaniam

GPAT Subject: Dosages Forms, designing & evaluation

Book: Theory and Practice of Industrial Pharmacy By Lieberman & Lachman

GPAT Subject: Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
Book: Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics A Treatise By Brahmankar and Jaiswal


GPAT Subject: Inorganic pharmaceutical & medicinal chemistry
Book: Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry by Chatwal

GPAT Subject: Physical Chemistry and its importance in pharmacy
Book: Essentials of Physical Chemistry by Arun Bahl & J.D Tuli

GPAT Subject: Organic Chemistry and its importance in pharmacy

Book: A Textbook of Organic Chemistry by Bahl and Bahl

GPAT Subject: Biochemistry

Book: Pharmaceutical Biochemistry – Satyanarayan

GPAT Subject: Medicinal Chemistry


Textbook Of Medicinal Chemistry by S.N. Pandeya

Medicinal And Pharmaceutical Chemistry Book by Harkishan Singh and V. K. Kapoor

GPAT Subject: Pharmaceutical Analysis
Instrumental Method of Analysis by Chatwal and Anand
Introduction to Spectroscopy by Donald Pavia & Lampman


Book: Essentials of medical Pharmacology By K.D Tripathi


Book: Pharmacognosy By C.K. Kokathe

For GPAT 2019 Syllabus Click Here
For all information about GPAT 2019 at one place GPAT 2019 All information at one place
For GPAT Previous Papers Click Here
Best Of Luck for your Exams !

2 thoughts on “Best Books And Guides For Pharmacy GPAT Exam”

  1. Can you please share the links from where we can download the books pdf to be used for the preparation of GPAT exam .

    1. do you have your b pharm books? your degrees books are enough, you just need to purchase GPAT guide .

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