Medical Tests For Recruitment To The Government Jobs

Medical examination is done prior to appointment on any government job.  This post discuss medical tests performed for the posts of Medical officer, Drug Inspector, Pharmacist, Nurses, Technician, Ayush Doctors etc for central government and state government departments.
Similar tests are also conducted for other civilian posts like clerks, LDC, auditors, accountants, engineers, teachers, class D employees . In the end we will also give tips on how to prepare before the medical test.
Physical efficiency fitness tests such as running etc  are required in security forces and allied services . This post will only discuss the medical tests and not the physical fitness tests like running etc.
Below is the list of Basic medical examinations performed before recruitment to paramedical and medical posts.

List Of Medical Tests

Height and Weight Measurement:
Minimum height and weight are taken generally at beginning of every medical examination. Medical and paramedical posts do not require minimum height etc but  still this helps to keep the records and also to determine if the height weight ratio is normal.   The candidate will be weighed and his weight is recorded in kilograms.
Urine test : 
This test is simple test. Urine sample is taken to detect any abnormality. Takes 5 minutes.
Blood Test: 
Blood test before fasting and after fasting also done to detect any abnormal fall or rise in blood cells which happen during several diseases. This test can also be used to detect HIV.
Blood pressure: 
Blood pressure is measured and noted in your medical examination. The Candidate should try not to get over stressed otherwise the doctor may ask more questions and may conduct further tests.
Simple Test for monitoring the activity of heart.
Lungs Test:
Lungs are checked with a stethoscope or spirometer. During test the doctor may ask you to breathe normally or at a faster rate.
Diabetes Test
Some departments conduct this test to rule out presence of the Diabetes Mellitus.
ENT Test:
Ear, Nose and throat are checked by an ENT specialist to detect if they are functioning normally.
Eye Checkup:

Candidates are required to read eye chart from a distance. eye chart have alphabets of different sizes . You need to read with one eye closed and both eyes open. If you are using Spectacles then you will be asked to read with and without spectacles.

For colour blindness you will be required to identify numbers written as coloured dots in coloured background.  Please remember some pages have no alphabets.

X-ray and Ultrasound:
There is a chest X- ray to examine presence on abnormality in respiratory and skeletal system  . Upper body ultrasound is being carried by doctor specially to check if the both kidneys are at right position.
Examination for Hernia:
Sometimes doctor only ask about if you have hernia, or he may examine you personally. This is the exam where some candidates need to remove some clothes.

To Do Tips Before Medical Test


  • You do not need to panic if you do not have any serious disease or condition.
  • Strict  eyes standards are applicable only in security forces and related departments. The eyes standards are also strict  for railways posts such as drivers, trackman, gateman, etc. Normal eyesight using spectacles is good enough for other jobs.
  • Hygiene is very important for a medical exam for good impression.  do not forget to take bath, your body nose ear etc should be clean.
  • Shirt buttons  and other hard things interfere in the x-ray. For x-ray prefer wearing T shirt , because it is not necessary to take it off. 
  • It is better if you take eye check up and blood pressure test before medical examination.  it helps you to prepare for colour blindness test. and blood pressure test help you monitor your stress level.
  • If you have any blood pressure problem start daily meditation  in it calm environment immediately after your result. this will help you a lot in relieving stress.
  • Sometimes you may need to take off some clothes. Like during ECG you may have to lift up upper clothes. Wear clean under – clothes  and under garments during medical examination to avoid embarrassment.

Good Luck For the Joining 🙂

221 thoughts on “Medical Tests For Recruitment To The Government Jobs”

    1. not legally, as job profile involves inspection of medicines which include color also. But you may try as level of color blindness will be judged by medical officer.

      1. Sir, I am joining one maharasthra state municipal corporation through direct interview only for junior clerk post but they r telling me to do all medical test on ur own outside the private hospital, then u submit the medical. Reports to such municipal corporation .has it OK that I not do medical. In such municipal head Office area .guide me has this process has correct that medical test reports I do outside .snd they r giving me job due to known political influence means reference of municipal sabhapathi, I have question that will be get permanent job in municipal by pay money andbrefetence

    2. ನನಗೆ ಮೂತ್ರಪಿಂಡ ಕಸಿ ಮಾಡಲಾಗಿದೆ… ನಾನು ಸರ್ಕಾರಿ ಕೆಲಸಕ್ಕೆ ಅರ್ಜಿ ಸಲ್ಲಿಸಬಹುದೆ?

      1. B. M. Rajat Kumar

        Sir I have completed my Bachelor of Pharmacy this year.
        I have two questions sir,
        1) Shall i apply to any pharma industry company and get my 18 months experience? or shall i do it specifically for those companies that provide me exposure to C , C1 category medicine? Can you give me some examples? I’m not able to get good examples sir.
        2) I have one good right eye, and one bad left eye by birth. a condition called amblyopia, so only one eye is functional. the other is not good. Am I eligible?

      2. 1. You may apply for job in company which gives you exposure to these .List OF Schedule C and C1 Drugs And Formulations. However job should be first priority, get any job, you may shift company or department when you get one.
        2. If your one has full vision you wont get disability certificate. Also drug inspector post is not open for such disability. With one good eye you can compete as normal candidate. However we will suggest getting a visibility certificate from government doctor. Visibility certificate wont declare you as disable but it will provide the visibility percentage, It may help you declare medically fit. Above 40 percent allows for reservation in identified posts.

      3. Sir I have second syphilis, will it restrict me to join government job after getting treatment for it

  1. Sigarate pine se medical test main rejected kar diya jayega for WB govt job( after father’s death job ) ??!! Plzz help me

  2. Sir , I have a small restriction in movement of joint in left hand . I cannot straighten it completely , only to 150° / 180°. Am i eligible for civilian posts like engineers and PSU`s , ONGC etc.,

      1. Sir, in childhood I had an accident due to which I can not see clearly from my right eye. I have a blurry vision in my right eye. Am I eligible for Gujarat government class 3 job for mechanical engineer?

      1. I have complete color blindness and eyesight 6/9 with glasses, am I eligible for special educator and other teaching posts??
        Please reply

  3. sir, I have a VP shunt, due to a brain stroke 3 years back, but I am absolutely fine now. Am I eligible for the civil judge?

  4. Greetings Sir/Ma’am, Thank you for the information which you provided for us, I have one question, I had this injury in my left eye when I was 14 year old. My retina got detached from one spot and I can’t see clearly from that left eye (Blurry). Things I can see is little blurry and I can read some alphabets with my left eye from certain distant. I’m really depressed and I don’t know what to do about it, I would like to know if I’m eligible for any Gov jobs. Am I eligible for banking jobs?
    I’m looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

  5. Akkatai babu sagare

    Sir.i am joining one mharashtra state muncipal corporation through direct interview only for civil service post but telling me medical test report to such muncipal hospital.

  6. Akkatai babu sagare

    Akkatai babu sagare you are joining mharashtra state muncipal corporation through direct interview only for civil post.telling to you all medical test own the outside government hospital and priver hospital you submitted your medical report 9.40 am and left kedny stone problem.2 months coverd this problem and 15 may joining job.gud luck joing job

  7. Akkatai babu sagare

    Akkatai babu sagare .you are mharashta state muncipal corporation civil service.goverment medical chequp have miner stone problem in lett kideny.2 month this problem plz recover.and joining job 12 th may 2024.good luk.

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