UPSC Drug Inspector Exam Syllabus and Pattern 2023

We are providing Here the official Pattern and Syllabus for UPSC Drug Inspector Exam 2023. This is Official syllabus for the UPSC drug inspector vacancy announced in 2018 and 2022.

(This same information was assessed by us through RTI for 2015 exam.)
RTI On UPSC Drug Inspector Recruitment 2018

Latest Scheme Of UPSC Drug Inspector Exam


  1. The test will be of two hours duration and medium of the test will be English only.
  2. The test will be an objective type with multiple sources of answer and will carry a maximum of 300 hundred mark.
  3. There will be penalty for wrong answer have the wrong answer will carry induction of one third of the marks assigned to that question. if no answer is market for a question if no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question, there will be no penalty for that question.
  4. Maximum marks for test is 300.
  5. Number of questions as per previous trends: 150

Syllabus Of UPSC Drug Inspector Exam 2019 & 2023

UPSC Syllabus comprises the following broad areas:

  1. (i) Basic Knowledge in Pharmaceutical Chemistry – Chemistry of Drugs, their uses- pharmacological and Toxicological effects of Drugs.
    (ii) Knowledge in manufacturing and evaluation of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms.
    (iii) Knowledge in Analysis of Drug formulations and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients.
    (iv) Procedures involved in collection of blood and preparation of its components.
    (v) Procedures involved in production of Vaccines, Sera and Biotech products.
    (vi) Good Manufacturing Practices in manufacturing activity.
    (vii)Good Laboratory Practices in analysis of Drugs and Cosmetics.
    (viii)Good Clinical Practices.
    (ix)Knowledge of Investigational skills.
    (x)Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules with respect to Clinical Trials, Manufacture, Sale and Import of Drugs, Medical Devices and Cosmetics.
    (xi) Basic Principles of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics.
    (xii)Basic Knowledge of Computer Applications
    (xiii) English Language Proficiency.

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