Medical examination is done prior to appointment on any government job. This post discuss medical tests performed for the posts of Medical officer, Drug Inspector, Pharmacist, Nurses, Technician, Ayush Doctors etc for central government and state government departments.
Similar tests are also conducted for other civilian posts like clerks, LDC, auditors, accountants, engineers, teachers, class D employees . In the end we will also give tips on how to prepare before the medical test.
Physical efficiency fitness tests such as running etc are required in security forces and allied services . This post will only discuss the medical tests and not the physical fitness tests like running etc.
Below is the list of Basic medical examinations performed before recruitment to paramedical and medical posts.
List Of Medical Tests
Height and Weight Measurement:
Minimum height and weight are taken generally at beginning of every medical examination. Medical and paramedical posts do not require minimum height etc but still this helps to keep the records and also to determine if the height weight ratio is normal. The candidate will be weighed and his weight is recorded in kilograms.
Urine test :
This test is simple test. Urine sample is taken to detect any abnormality. Takes 5 minutes.
Blood Test:
Blood test before fasting and after fasting also done to detect any abnormal fall or rise in blood cells which happen during several diseases. This test can also be used to detect HIV.
Blood pressure:
Blood pressure is measured and noted in your medical examination. The Candidate should try not to get over stressed otherwise the doctor may ask more questions and may conduct further tests.
Simple Test for monitoring the activity of heart.
Lungs Test:
Lungs are checked with a stethoscope or spirometer. During test the doctor may ask you to breathe normally or at a faster rate.
Diabetes Test:
Some departments conduct this test to rule out presence of the Diabetes Mellitus.
ENT Test:
Ear, Nose and throat are checked by an ENT specialist to detect if they are functioning normally.
Eye Checkup:
Candidates are required to read eye chart from a distance. eye chart have alphabets of different sizes . You need to read with one eye closed and both eyes open. If you are using Spectacles then you will be asked to read with and without spectacles.
For colour blindness you will be required to identify numbers written as coloured dots in coloured background. Please remember some pages have no alphabets.
X-ray and Ultrasound:
There is a chest X- ray to examine presence on abnormality in respiratory and skeletal system . Upper body ultrasound is being carried by doctor specially to check if the both kidneys are at right position.
Examination for Hernia:
Sometimes doctor only ask about if you have hernia, or he may examine you personally. This is the exam where some candidates need to remove some clothes.
To Do Tips Before Medical Test
- You do not need to panic if you do not have any serious disease or condition.
- Strict eyes standards are applicable only in security forces and related departments. The eyes standards are also strict for railways posts such as drivers, trackman, gateman, etc. Normal eyesight using spectacles is good enough for other jobs.
- Hygiene is very important for a medical exam for good impression. do not forget to take bath, your body nose ear etc should be clean.
- Shirt buttons and other hard things interfere in the x-ray. For x-ray prefer wearing T shirt , because it is not necessary to take it off.
- It is better if you take eye check up and blood pressure test before medical examination. it helps you to prepare for colour blindness test. and blood pressure test help you monitor your stress level.
- If you have any blood pressure problem start daily meditation in it calm environment immediately after your result. this will help you a lot in relieving stress.
- Sometimes you may need to take off some clothes. Like during ECG you may have to lift up upper clothes. Wear clean under – clothes and under garments during medical examination to avoid embarrassment.
Good Luck For the Joining 🙂
Sir I am hadicapped with one hand (left) but it work properly.And I am right hearted person can I apply fo this if their is no issue in medical test.If their is any benefits/advantages of handicapped person in this post please recommended me.thank you.
Sir meri right hand ki two finger frist and second me problem h to me konci govt job ke lia fit hu
if there is no problem in writing then any desk or civil job, except which require typing. if you get PH certificate you will find it easy to clear medical and can apply under Ph posts.
If I have asthma will I get job through SSC CGL , CHSL (desk job and income tax inspector) ?
If you get repeated a attacks of asthma or your X-ray etc show abnormality you will be rejected.
My x-ray shows no abnormalities. I don’t get any attack (no breathing problem, just dry cough). Dry cough happens maybe once or twice a year.
I have spondilitis. Am I eligible for job through SSC chsl, CGL?
Sorry friend, look for your prospects in some business or private sector.
Sir I’m having a tooth canal planting can I apply for assistant commandant police force is it any kind of issue is there
You should apply. If you are not facing any problem now regarding this, you will be cleared. At max they can give temporary rejection, you can appeal to medical board.
Sir I’m suffering with emphysema…. I have no problem in my daily routine…can I fit for post of nursing officer in aiims
you have problem or not will be judged by medical board. mostly this disease cause problem in daily working.
I have Sarcoidasis which is in nw in control
I have also Ankylosing Spondalitis
both are autoimmune disorder
IN which government job i can apply and cannot be rejected ?
Please advise
Sir I have varicocele with right side can I selected in Acf(assistant Conservator of forest) in cg or not
This is group A post. So medical requirements are strict. You may try some group B and c posts of civil nature post surgery or treatment.
I have tattoo on my wrist and my ankle can i apply for SSC CHSL, Junior assistant and clerk type jobs . Will there be any problem due to tattoos on my body?
Yes you can apply. But please do not get new tattoos till you find job.
Sir I m sugar patient can I apply in asf jobs
I might have some STD like Chlamydia or something other than HIV . Will I be eligible for government job ??
if medical board conclude that your disease have a cure or can be controlled they will allow you. Try to find its cure before you have medical exam.
Sir, I have zero vision in my left eye but 20/20 in my right eye. I also have a mild slip disk problem. Can I be rejected in DSSSB PRT DOE medical test? Please tell sir.
My height is 172 cms and my weight is 90+…. Can I be rejected in the medical examination. As i am provisionally selected for phase VII selection post.
they will measure your vitals, like ecg, blood sugar, bp etc. If they are fine you could be selected. Work hard to reduce your weight by engaging in regular physical activity two times a day, because sooner or later obesity will cause health hazard.
I go extra little mass on my finger, since birth its just look
little werid its not diseases or any thing like that, does this create problem
arbaz, there is no problem at all.
Does smoking cause any problem for group C category.
I am a cancer survivor.
Female 35 years old.
I had tumor in one of my breasts. Mastectomy (One breast removal) was done in Sept 2018. Followed by chemotherapy, now I am normal.
Recently I got selected for a teacher’ job in Government school.
Will there be any issues.
Please help me.
sir,i am suffering fom myopia . can i be selected to this post
I have vitiligo problem can i apply for cgl?
I also have vitilgo
These tests are performed for all factory jobs in Cebu area. Especially the female applicants are also checked for haemorrhage, done by punching a match stick to the edge of their anus! Lumps in their breasts are checked with a finger poking into the breast tissue. The applicant are forced to undress completely, and bend over naked for the inspection of their anus. And this is for a factory job paying less than 10.000 pesos a month, on a contract via an agency, so they can be excluded whenever the employer feels like it…
Sir,I have some nasal cavity and it makes me hard to breathe sometimes and chest congestion . One of my nostrils block all the time. Am I eligible for SSC and other government services?
It’s hard to say because you have not given proper diagnosis. Visit ENT specialist for proper diagnosis first.