All About PRTS, Pharmacist Registration And Tracking System

PRTS full form is Pharmacist Registration and Tracking system.  PRTS will make online registration of pharmacists mandatory and will track the registered pharmacists all over India. PRTS is launched by Pharmacy council of india on November 2018 as pilot in Delhi, and PRTS will be launched all over India on 1 December 2018.
Objective of PRTS is to provide quality pharmacy services through qualified pharmacists only and also to enhance status of pharmacists. In this post we will provide all information about PRTS, its benefits and how pharmacists can register online. This development is important for every pharmacy professional in India.

What is PRTS

Pharmacist registration and tracking system is a national digital platform for registration and tracking of pharmacists. PRTS will be the national level registry of all registered pharmacists. All state registry details should match the national registry. All state councils have to create their own online registries in similar formats so that data can be synchronised or matched with central registry easily.
It is expected that once properly in force, without PRTS approval pharmacist could not work in government sector, private pharmacies or industry. Pharmacists will need to update their work profile whenever they resign or change job.

Benefits of PRTS

  • Pharmacy laws in India requires efficient central registry of registered pharmacists but it was delayed for decades. Finally PRTS is launched .
  • Unqualified people take pharmacist license on rent and dispense medicines .  It is expected to end this currently prevalent malpractice of dispensing by unqualified people. Only pharmacists will be able to provide pharmacy practice and dispensing.  Also Read:  Pharmacy Practice Regulations 2015
  • Currently there was no standard format of data sharing between states and central registry. Now data sharing and matching will be easy.
  • Data  collected through PRTS will help identify the problems and take necessary policy actions.
  • The due rights of the pharmacists as mandated by the drug laws in industry, stores, distribution and healthcare settings will be ensured by PRTS.
  • Registration status and validity details for pharmacists working in India and abroad could be tracked.
  • Finally status of pharmacists will get a boost and patients will get better healthcare services.

How To Register In PRTS

All the registered pharmacists in the country are requested to fill their pharmacist registration details as per the following steps:-
Step-1 : Go to  PCI PRTS Page Here 
Step-2 : Click on User Management
Step-3 : Register yourself by filling the form carefully and click ‘Submit’.
Step-4 : After registration, fill the details in the proforma titled “Pharmacist Profile” and click ‘Submit’
We will always provide updated information about PRTS in this post. Good luck pharmacists.

12 thoughts on “All About PRTS, Pharmacist Registration And Tracking System”

    1. For government pharmacist job you must be a registered pharmacist in the state for which you are giving the exam, otherwise you are not allowed to join pharmacist job. online Registration in PRTS is not must for anybody till now, but soon it will be made mandatory. For time being atleast get yourself registered in the pharmacy council of the respective state.

    1. hint question is used for login if you forget your password. So select a question an answer it. Answer of question should be very easy to remmebe so that you never forget, but only you should know the answer.

  1. Sir
    I am tinku sharma from GLA University Mathura ( u p)
    I have submitted all documents of d pharma for registration
    till 28-08-2019 to pci office lucknow. I have don’t recive any
    Information regarding my certificate. So kindly please provide
    My document and my status.
    Thanku sir

    1. You will be required to visit council personally with all documents. Also ask for contact number so that you may ask the exact date to visit again if required.

  2. Sir
    I have submitted all documents of d pharma for registration
    till 22-05-2019 to pci office lucknow. I have don’t recive any
    Information regarding my certificate. So kindly please provide
    My document and my status.
    Thanku sir

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